- Telefon: 0741.182.811
- Luni-Vineri(08:00 - 17:00)
- drcpersu@gmail.com
- Trimite documente medicale
Our exceptional and experienced staff is dedicated to improving our patients’ dental health and enhancing smiles. Our exceptional and experienced staff is dedicated to improving our patients
Experienced staff is dedicated to improving our patients’ dental health and enhancing
A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.
It is a paradisematic country, in which
*Liniile de autobuz 123, 135, 223 de la stația Auchan Vitan prin strada Drumul între Vii – 500m;
*Liniile de tramvai 1 și 34 de la stația Pod Mihai Bravu, via Splaiul Unirii 950 m;
*Metrou Mihai Bravu, via Splaiul Unirii 1500 m;
*Liniile de autobuz 124 și 223, stația ICPE